Media news about iprostateNoticias en prensa sobre iprostate
Media news about the Imhotep prototypeNoticias sobre el prototipo Imhotep
j.sabaterThe bioengineering weekThe bioengineering week
j.sabaterEl grupo Nbio participa activamente en la organización de la semana de la bioingeniería en Roma.
Hisarob 2011. II Jornadas de enseñanza de la robótica en el arco mediterraneoHisarob 2011. II Workshop for robotics on the Mediterranean arc
j.sabaterTras el éxito de las 1eras Jornadas Hispano-Argelinas de enseñanza de la robótica (link), la Universidad Miguel Hernández y l'École Normale Supérieure d'Enseignament Tecnologique d'Oran organizan las II Jornadas de enseñanza de la robótica en el arco mediterráneo. El...
[Brain2motion] Exoskeletal – neuroprosthesis hybrid robotic system for the upper limb controlled by a multimodal brain-neural interface[Brain2motion] Exoskeletal – neuroprosthesis hybrid robotic system for the upper limb controlled by a multimodal brain-neural interface
jm.azorinThe main goal of BRAIN2MOTION project is to develop a new hybrid ER-MNP for the upper limb interfaced to the users by means of non-invasive multimodal brain-neural computer interfaces (BNCIs). The robotic hybrid system will combine a light and kinematically compatible...
iProstate. Software de visualización 3D de la localización y extensión del cáncer de próstataiProstate. 3D rendering tool for localization and staging of prostate cancer
j.sabateriProstate is a software application (spanish registration nº V-159-11) developed by Nbio and José Luis Ruiz-Cerdá, MD from the Hospital la Fe from Valencia. iProstate allows the introduction of data from biopsies, PSA and Gleason from a patient and it makes a...
[PUPArm project] Pneumatic parallel arm for neuro-rehabilitation[Proyecto PUPArm] Brazo neumático 2D para neuro-rehabilitación
j.sabaterPUPArm is a planar device with 2 degrees of freedom, designed for neuromotor rehabilitation of upper arm and for the research on biofeedback algorithms. PUPArm is moved by pneumatic actuators and it is intrinsically safe. PUPArm system integrates heart pulse sensor...
[Maat] ECHORD experiment[Maat] ECHORD experimento
nicolas.garciaThe MAAT project aims at developing a new robotic system for the administration of highly sophisticated therapy to stroke patients able to (i) maximise patient motivation and involvement in the therapy and (ii) continuously assess the progress of the recovery from the...
2010 ICRA Workshop on Multimodal Human – Robot Interfaces
jm.azorinAnchorage, Alaska, May 3, 2010 This workshop will provide an overview of the most recent advances about human-robot multimodal interfaces and it will explore new directions in the field, with a particular focus on interfaces for disabled people. The workshop will form...
MATES – Plataforma robotizada para la asistencia en técnicas NOTES/SILS.MATES – Robotic platform for NOTES/SILS assistance
j.sabaterMinimally invasive surgery has required the acquisition of new skills on the part of surgeons and the creation of new tools, an area in which robotics is an invaluable help. The current trend is towards reducing the number of incisions practiced on the patient to a...
WO 2010/018283. Brazo robótico para el control del movimiento del brazoWO 2010/018283. Robotic arm for controlling arm movement
j.sabaterThe present invention relates to a robotic arm and a method of using this robotic arm. The present invention more specifically relates to a robotic arm which can be used in upper limb training. La presente invención se refiere a la invención de un sistema robótico...
Cátedra de Medicina Hiperbárica MedibaroxHiperbaric Medicine Chair
carlos.perezHyperbaric medicine, also known as hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy, is the medical use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure. Initially, HBO was developed as a treatment for diving disorders involving bubbles of gas in the tissues, such as...
Hisarob 2010. Jornadas Hispano-Argelinas de robóticaHisarob 2010. Simposium of robotics in Spain-Argelie
j.sabaterStudents will be exposed to the latest technologies in service robotics, and will closely interact with top-level researchers in the world in this topic. They will also have the opportunity to discuss their research work with these researchers, as well as with other...
P201001008 /6. Brazo telerobótico de configuración paralela para aplicaciones de cirugía mínima invasivaP201001008 /6. Telerobotic arm for MIS
j.sabaterThe solution presented on this patent uses a parallel plat- form with kinematic architecture 3UPS1S and small di- mensions. The device is able to give orientation to the MIS surgical tool, thanks to the three degrees of freedom it has. Additionally, a device that...
Proyecto Opensurg. Docencia e investigación en robótica médica utilizando recursos de software abierto Opensurg project.
j.sabaterOpenSurg is a cooperation project with latinamerica for the making of teaching material for bioengineering. All the documentation is available in spanish at the link below. OpenSurg consortium was funded by four years (2009-2012), but the latinamerican network...
Proyecto AUPA. Brazo robot para rehabilitaciónAUPA project. Rehabilitation robotic arm
j.sabaterFundación Casaverde and Nbio have developed a new robot for neuro-rehabilitation of upper arm. AUPA robot is a pneumatic system formed by two robotic arms and it is able to reproduce physician movements. More information on: La...
Sistema de navegación por internet basado en electrooculografía para personas discapacitadas
jm.azorinEl objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar un sistema de navegación por Internet que sea controlado únicamente utilizando el movimiento ocular. Es decir, el sistema permitirá que el usuario controle un navegador de Internet mediante el movimiento de sus...
j.sabaterSe trata de un proyecto del Plan de Cooperación Interuniversitaria e Investigación Científica (PCI 2009) en el área del Mediterráneo Africano. El proyecto es una cooperación entre la UMH y la Univerisdad de Enset en Oran (Argelia), y el fin del mismo es la elaboración...