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The MAAT project aims at developing a new robotic system for the administration of highly sophisticated therapy to stroke patients able to (i) maximise patient motivation and involvement in the therapy and (ii) continuously assess the progress of the recovery from the functional and neurological viewpoint, with special attention to the issue of safety in human-robot interaction. The main novelty of the MAAT approach is to close patient in the loop and use multi-sensory data (such as motion, forces, voice, muscle activity, heart rate, skin conductance etc.) to adaptively and dynamically change complexity of the therapy and real-time displays of an immersive virtual reality system in accordance with specific patient requirements. For the experimental validation of the MAAT approach, two prototypes of multimodal robotic platforms will be developed, using technologies available in the ECHORD equipment list, which are based on two different industrial robot arms. They will allow validating the scientific value of the proposed approach, comparing performance of the two industrial robots when used for rehabilitation and collaborating with the manufacturers to address specific modifications coming out from the application. To pursue project objectives, MAAT gathers two partners from two different European countries (Italy and Spain) with complementary expertise in robotics. The tight collaboration of the project coordinator with medical groups of Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the University Campus Bio-medico will be notably beneficial for a preliminary clinical validation of the MAAT system on post-stroke patients.

Visit for more information.El proyecto MAAT (financiado por la Comisión Europea) y tiene como objetivo el análisis del estado del paciente para la optimización de los resultados de la rehabilitación del mismo tras un accidente cerebro-vascular.

Para ello se usan las más avanzadas técnicas y biosensores junto con un sistema de realidad virtual para motivar al paciente.

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